About VYS Woods

About VYS Woods

VYS Woods started with a hope and a lot of time, hard work and ambition, it took a lot of time to build every detail in my home work station, it took a longer time to learn how to practice my hobby.

I started woodworking 5 years ago, it's not only a hobby but woodworking is in my family blood for generations. It has actually started as a wooden chair broke at home and I started making glasses frames out of it, then I started making videos of my work and a little while later I started designing and making wooden jewelry.

I noticed how fun is it to really work with the tiniest pieces of wood, It's something in between challenge and pleasure, I give a lot of time for little details and try my best to get the best models out of the woods I have, I use mostly recycled Bambus woods, because it's strong and I love it's wood pattern, I also like to use oak, beech and cherry woods.

All my glasses frames models are completely handmade.

VYS Woods has already been shipped to buyers in Europe, UK ,US and Mexico. I am happy that it went to be this way. I'm glad to have more buyers from all over the globe.

For any personalization please contact.

VYS Woods




VAT : DE357748493

STU-ID : 17/255/01926

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1 comment

Eine sehr anschaulich gestaltete Website und wunderschöne Produkte. Das Video macht deutlich, wieviel Handarbeit und liebe zum Detail in den brillen steckt. Jedes Stück ein unikat: toll.
Und da ich schon eine Brille in der Hand halten durfte, kann ich sagen: das Material ist wunderbar leicht und fühlt sich warm und angenehm an,liegt bequem am kopf.
Sehr schön,was du herstellst! Herzliche Grüße


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